RECREATIONAL SAIL AND MOTOR BOATS - WORKING BOATS    Corrosion is your n°1 ennemy!        
Galvatest  detects electrolysis before it is too late...

Metal hulls steel-aluminium, propulsion systems OB or S-Z drive, pods, propeller shafts, hydrojets and immersed metal equipments are in constant danger of corrosion. Faulty anodes and electrical leaks* lead to material losses as damaging as they are costly. By measuring the value of the corrosion potential of immersed metals, Galvatest is the simplest and most reliable way to monitor the effectiveness of cathodic protection provided by anodes and detect the presence of harmful leakage currents from aboard or ashore. European leader in its field, Galvatest gives boaters and professionals the means to effectively protect themselves against underwater corrosion and its disastrous consequences. 

 * How to tell? They lead to under and over cathodic protection resulting in corrosion and paint blistering.
When and how to proceed?

Galvatest, leader in corrosion control for small ships!

Galvatest Sensors

Galvatest sensors
Galvatest mini dipping sensors are Ag/AgCl reference electrodes allowing, when combined with a controller or a high impedance multimeter, gives precise value of corrosion potential for metal hulls and all immersed metals. Their sintering manufacturing technology makes them highly reliable.

Galvatest Controller

Galvatest controller
Galvatest leds controller is a mobile electronic device intended for boaters, which, combined with its Galvatest sensor, assesses at once, and as often as necessary, cathodic protection level of a metal hull or propulsion system and eventuality of stray currents, responsible for electrolysis.

Galvatest Kits

Galvatest kits
Galvatest kits are autonomous complete control systems intended for crews and professionals. Their regular methodic use is recommended to maintain integrity of a boat afloat by checking the efficiency of its anodes and ensuring there are no corrosive leaking currents
from aboard or ashore.

Wood or polyester hulls: mind the sail-drives!

propulsion systems of grp hulls are very corrosion sensitive

Did you know? Unlike metal hulls, boats made of wood or polyester (GRP...) are particularly at risk: as their hulls do not carry electricity, metal propulsion devices are necessarily over-solicited.They represent the only way to the sea for unwanted leakage currents from aboard or ashore!

Steel or aluminium metal hulls: a well-known evidence!

metal hull are corrosion sensitive

They are primarily concerned by electrolysis and the regular control of their corrosion potential. Such control is conducted in "real time" on all big ships and is an integral part of formal ABYC (American Yacht and Boat Council) recommendations for all recreational boats in aluminium. Be very careful with your hanging anodes: if they are made of magnesium at sea, they will be likely to destroy your immersed paint work... 

Electric propulsion: a true challenge!

electric propulsion is a new challenge

The gradual implementation of electric propulsion will pose new challenges for builders and yachtsmen. A formidable enemy of submerged metal equipments, electricity, now available on board in large quantities, requires best practices in terms of wiring, earthing management and integrity controls...

The White Paper about cathodic protection...

PLB Galvatest protection cathodique

The White Paper about cathodic protection details the mechanisms of corrosion of immersed metals and its corollary: cathodic protection. It is free to download.

Regularly supplemented and updated, the 2024 edition includes some attacks commonly encountered on oxido-protected metals: stainless steel, aluminium and bronze. 

Galvatest round the world with Energy Observer...

Galvatest - Energy Observer
Galvatest ensures anti-corrosion control of metallic immersed equipments of Energy Observer, the first hydrogen powered boat round the world.

Use of Galvatest is recommended by major

Regular control of metal hulls and immersed equipments corrosion potential is a recommended practice of international standards and major boat and equipment manufacturers. All our electrodes sensors are individually tested. Patented technology. Galvatest is a member of Normandie Maritime.

International shippings on request


Boaters :
the comics "How goes your boat?"

To understand quickly and without painful headache, download our explanatory comic strip. You will learn, with just a few pictures, how to use Galvatest to assess instantly cathodic protection level given by anodes, and if harmful stray currents are eating your boat.

 Download this document

What certification bodies say...